My weaknesses.
I continued reading the book 'The Monk who sold his Ferrari'. In one of the later pages the monk makes a profound statement that means there is not much difference from weakness and fear. Fear comes from the weakness and actually increases the weakness. The monk asks his disciple to list down all his weaknesses. I liked this idea as well, and am jotting down my weakness (as perceived by me). Each of one of them is true to different degrees of acuteness. Not in any particular order.
- Timidity - cannot always speak my mind, and am afraid that I might hurt the other person. Even though I give an impression that I don't care, I do.
- Time management - I find it hard to manage my time correctly. I might set a deadline for one thing, but get delayed. I guess I do not prioritize things well, and mix things and thus get delayed.
- Jealousy - Sometimes I don't feel happy to see the success of others. I don't know what's the reason. If it is jealousy or anger on myself for not achieving something same or more myself.
- Intolerable - Sometimes I have seen that I cannot tolerate some people. There is something about some people that kinds of starts a chain reaction - may be in simple words "chemistry mismatch".
- Negotiations - I realize that I cannot negotiate well. The more the sensitive issue the bigger a failure I am.
- Lack of a killer instinct - I am almost afraid to take too strong a view or speak out strong opinions, when I actually have one. And later I feel bad (actually I would feel bad either way). I wish that when I have strong view, then either I should speak it out, and not feel bad. And when I cannot speak it out, (I should not have a strong view, and) I should not feel bad.
- Indecisive - I can be fairly indecisive many a times, especially when it involves choosing things with other people involved. I am happy if someone else breaks the tie. I guess, this is because I feel by going by the other persons' choice, I will be making them happy.. Probably not always the case.
- Lack of focus - I sometimes feel that I don't have focus in life. I want to do pretty much everything and my attention keeps jumping from one to another..
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