Sunday, May 28, 2006

Doing PTB

How many times have you asked someone else 'Hei, what are you upto?' and gotten the answer 'Oh, I am so busy doing XYZ' ? I do not know about you, but I do ask myself the same question many times. And most of the time I get the answer 'I am doing PTB'.

What does PTB stand for? It stands for Pretending To be Busy! And yes, that what I do most of the time. I pretend that I am busy. This way, I can give an excuse to others and more importantly to myself for not doing anything productive.

The whole day, yesterday, that's what I did. Cool, aint' it? And today I am nearly at the same position, just that the whole of Saturday is gone! And what am I planning to do today? -- Oh, today I am very busy, doing PTB!

Friday, May 26, 2006


Am I hypocrite? I am nearly positive that I am. Here, I am trying to understand some basic meaning of life and at the same time, I am greedy to put the google adSense to this blog. Why? Just plain silly. But that's what I am.

One thing -- The google adSense looks cool and the interface is pretty neat as well.

Okay, now I must get back to work. Have hardly worked the whole day today. And next is the weekend - And my procastinator antena is working overtime.

My first post.

I do not know, why I am writing this blog. Atleast, I am not sure. I mean, of course, I am writing this , so that others read it. But who/why... I do not know. But that's okay. I do not care too much. What I am more interested at this time is that I want to maintain a public profile/life; a transparent and honest profile. And why? This way I feel, I will be able to introspect better.

You may ask, if all I have to do is to introspect, then why not just keep it private. Good question. I am trying to see, if I can be honest not only with myself but with others as well. Can I confide in others as much as I can confide in myself? I do not know the answer. We will find it as the time goes.

Today is 26th May Friday and here the ball has started rolling.